Stutee Nag
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Some personal questions
(Please select 5 questions and write your answer. You can alter the questions if you wish.)
When did you first handle a child abduction case?
Why is it interesting for you as a lawyer to work on these cases?
What makes a child abduction case different from other cases?
Which cases are you most concerned with?
Which child abduction case will you never forget?
What do you think is important to do or not do as an attorney in child abduction cases?
How do you ensure good cooperation with the parent in a child abduction case?
What can people do to support the children during these proceedings?
What do you think all people should know about child abduction cases?
What would you like to say to judges who handle these cases?
What do you think will change in the future in this area of law?
What is your advice to parents dealing with international child abduction?
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Stutee Nag
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Stutee Nag